Alpha-Amylase LIQMEI FD®
Alpha-Amylase LIQMEI FD® is a food grade, non-GMO α-amylase with exceptional thermal stability that is specifically designed and formulated for use in the brewing and potable alcohol industries.
Alpha-Amylase LIQMEI FD® is a very stable bacterial non-GMO α-amylase that rapidly liquefies starch to produce soluble dextrins. Alpha-Amylase LIQMEI FD® is extremely effective when used in cereal adjunct cooking in breweries and in mash liquefaction in potable alcohol distilleries. Alpha-Amylase LIQMEI FD® is stable and active over a wide range of pH and temperature conditions and maintains excellent performance with little or no added calcium required.
Rapidly reduces viscosity of starch solutions
Efficient DE development
Promotes high dextrose yield with minimal by-product formation
Effectively works on a variety of starch substrates
The lowest cost-in-use food grade, non-GMO alpha-amylase available for the brewing and potable alcohol industry
Excellent performance over a wide pH range
Superior high temperature stability
Excellent performance with no calcium addition under most conditions